TBR prebook of domain names

TBR registration is the attempt to register a previously registered .ca domain the minute that it expires.
This is a competative special phase that is not a part of general registration.
We do not charge for unsuccessful TBRs but charge a flat $50 total including taxes for the ones that we get for you.
For best results, please enter your requested TBR as early as possible!

The whois for your domain of interest will show the the renewal date. The release date is exactly 32 days after that date.
For example if the whois says: Renewal Date 2006/03/13 ,then the release date is 2006/04/14.

Please enter in the format release date month/day domain name: e.g. 4/12 my-domain.ca

Domain Names and release date #1:  
Domain Names and release date #2:  
Domain Names and release date #3:  
Domain Names and release date #4:  
Domain Names and release date #5:  
Domain Names and release date #6:  
Domain Names and release date #7:  
Domain Names and release date #8:  
Domain Names and release date #9:  
Domain Names and release date #10:
Domain Names and release date #11:
Domain Names and release date #12:
Domain Names and release date #13:
Domain Names and release date #14:
Domain Names and release date #15:
Domain Names and release date #16:
Domain Names and release date #17:
Domain Names and release date #18:
Domain Names and release date #19:
Domain Names and release date #20:
Domain Names and release date #21:
Domain Names and release date #22:
Domain Names and release date #23:
Domain Names and release date #24:
Domain Names and release date #25:

CIRA Registrant # or name of domain (with RegCa) that we can use as profle to register TBR:

All currency is in Canadian dollars.

Cardholders name:  Phone number: Email: 
Billing Company:    
Billing Address:       City: Postal/Zip Code: 
Province/State:       Country: 
Card number:         
Credit Card Type:  
Expiry Date:            / 20
Credit Card Verification Code: (What is this?)
Your credit card will not be completed until or unless we obtain your domain.
By clicking "Process Credit Card" below, you are affirming that you have read, understood, and agree to the Registrant Agreement.

All Major Credit Cards Accepted